The New Hanime on Anime is Here!

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! The end of 2017 is here, and with that end comes a new beginning in a brand new year. And with the new year, Hanime on Anime has returned with some new changes. As stated in my last post, I took a month long hiatus to not only get a little break, but to also make some changes to Hanime on Anime. And for this special post, I’m going to talk about all those new changes! First, if you haven’t already noticed, I’ve made some changes to the site’s overall design. Being up and running for three years, it was time the site itself got a facelift. But while everything looks all nice and new, I had some issues in fixing the “About Hanime on Anime” page. So some portions of the site are still a work in progress. Second, after giving it some thought and consideration, I’ve decided to permanently add a new segment to my monthly line up. Believe it or not, my top three most popular posts on Hanime on ...