Character of Flashback February: Akira Fudo (Devilman Crybaby version)

I’ve talked about the plot from Crybaby several times already, so I’m
putting that baby to bed and just skipping ahead to why I picked Akira from Crybaby.
In the same way that I thought the overall Devilman story as portrayed in the manga was better represented in Devilman Crybaby, Akira was portrayed
much better in this adaptation as well.
He’s depicted as great character with a very relatable and realistic
moral center; while he does some questionable things throughout the series,
he’s generally a good person with a pretty clear conscious. The Akira from the original series didn’t
have that much depth to me and honestly seemed to give the wrong message about
the character as a whole. He’s portrayed
as a delinquent from the very beginning but only ever shows better judgement
when he’s Devilman. Akira in Crybaby was also a very fascinating
character for who he is as a person.
Even though he becomes this big buff aggressive after he’s possessed by
Amon, he’s still a pretty sensitive guy.
This kind of goes back to what I said on him being a good person while
doing bad things, but I think it goes a little further than that. The best way I can explain this is through
the moments when Akira cries. And I know
what I said about how those scenes for the most part are hilariously out of
place, but I will admit that these scenes do work sometimes. Those scenes that do work are, believe it or
not, when Akira is Devilman. Those
moments when he’s fighting demons and he bursts into tears or defending
innocent people from getting killed and he bursts into tears are the moments
that really spoke to me. These were the
scenes that show that even though Akira is possessed by a demon that human
heart of his is still there. It made him
a pretty well-rounded character. So
overall, while it’s probably obvious that this version of Akira was this
month’s pick, I think I’ve justified that this Akira is thoroughly portrayed
and by far the better choice. So cry and keeping fighting demons and lousy
human beings, Akira Fudo (from Devilman
Crybaby), cause you’re Hanime on Anime’s Character of Flashback February
Sunday will be a usual Sunday with
a regular post…or will it? Ok, yeah, it
will be a little different. I decided to
do a special discussion post, which admittedly could have
been done today and even during February as it once again pertains to Devilman Crybaby. And I know that you’re thinking that I’m
doing things backwards by doing a regular Sunday post on a Thursday and then a
special discussion post on a Sunday, but that’s just how this is panning out
right now, so I’m rolling with it. Plus,
this is my blog, so I think I’m at
liberty to do what I want (not to sound cocky, but just saying). Anyways, stay tuned till until then!
on Anime
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