Still One Hell of An Anime?: Black Butler Re-Review

Hello there, people of Earth! It’s time once again for another review! This one will be my last re-review for this month, as well as for the time being. You may all remember back in December, I did a review on the show Black Butler . Though at the time, I had seen two seasons of the series at the time of the review. However, I was one season short, this being the third season, Book of Circus . Well over the holidays, I saw this third season. So now, I can talk about it, and also a little more about Black Butler . In any of it, let’s get started on my last re-review! Now, considering that this focuses on watching one season of Black Butler , this synopsis will mainly focus on Book of Circus . This season begins with young Earl Ciel Phantomhive receiving a mission from Queen Victoria. In this case, children are mysteriously disappearing throughout England. However, disappearances seem to occur when a traveling circus c...