
Showing posts from August, 2019

Character of the Month: Zeke Yeager (The Beast Titan)

Greetings fabulous people of the Internet!   The end of August is drawing near, and that means it’s time to unveil this month’s Character of the Month!   And getting straight to the point here with Avengers Endgame (one of the best films of the year so far) playing in the background as I type this, it probably comes as no surprise that a character from anime’s equivalent got the title this time around.   So, without further ado, let’s talk about this month’s Character of the Month, Zeke Yeager- more commonly known as the Beast Titan- from Attack on Titan . If you watched my review of Attack on Titan season three part two last week, then a synopsis would almost be entirely pointless for this post.   And I say that not only because of last week’s video but also because a lot of what happens in season three contains spoilers.   Still, Zeke was the major antagonist here and was crucial to this particular arc.   For the purposes of today’s post, that’s...

Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2 Review│FINALLY!!!

In what’s been my longest review to date, find out why this continuation of Attack on Titan has been one of the best shows of the year!  Enough said.  Be sure to stay tuned next week for Character of the Month and for the start of KyoAni month September 1st! -Hanime on Anime

My Hero Academia Two Heroes│THIS FILM NEEDS A HERO!

What happens when you take one of the best anime shows with one of the best stories with some of the best characters with one of the best messages of the past decade and take all that good stuff away?  You get 20 mins. of me ranting.  Someone light the Bat Signal!  And if you're curious about the orange shirt, it's all apart of raising awareness for the tragic events at Kyoto Animation (though this time around, I forgot to put the #prayforkyoani on the thumbnail for my video here.  Oops!)  Stay tuned August 18th for my next colossal (get it?) review! -Hanime on Anime