Character of the Month: Naraku

Hello, fabulous peoples!  Welcome to my final installment of my month of countdowns, although it’s not a countdown.  Regardless, Character of the Month is a Hanime on Anime tradition, and as such, I can’t really break that.  And this month’s character was worth the title!  In fact, this one has deserved that title for a while, and not just because he’s one of my favorite characters.  So, enough of me talking and let’s talk about this month’s Character of the Month: Naraku (no need to say the show he’s from.  Y’all know.)
Naraku is the main antagonist of both Inuyasha series.  Originally the severely injured bandit Onigumo who sold his soul to a hoard of demons, Naraku’s main objective is to collect the shards of the Sacred Jewel, and is willing to sacrifice anyone or anything to do just that.  Notoriously known for never being directly involved in his own schemes, Inuyasha and the gang often find themselves in horrible, even soul-crushing situations thanks to him.  Yeah, Naraku needed his time in the limelight on this blog.
Speaking of which, where do I begin with this guy?  If you read my first two countdowns, Naraku was already one of my favorite anime characters of all time for several reasons.  Hands down he’s one of the smartest villains in anime.  Though he often get’s called out for being a coward for it, you have to admit it’s pretty impressive of him to pull off all of his evil plans without being in on the action.  To sit on the sidelines and just watch things unfold is something that not many other villains in anime that I’ve seen can pull off- the dumb ones anyway.  He also gains some pretty awesome powers and costume changes as the series progresses.  But overall, when you really get down to it, he’s just a villain you love to hate.  He’s evil and conniving, and hard core Inuyasha fans like myself just love every minute of it.  Everything he does is just so awful, and yet we just love to watch it.  It was pretty hard to pass him up for Character of the Month last year.  Then again, that’s probably why he was on my first two countdowns to begin with.  So search for those Jewel Shards and give the world hell, Naraku, cause you’re (finally) Hanime on Anime’s Character of the Month of September.
Now before I go, I do have one special announcement that I would like to make.  And I know I should have said something sooner, but I think now is a good time to bring it up.  As many of you know, Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have caused devastating damage to Houston and the Caribbean.    The footage and images that we’ve seen in the news and online are clear in that people in both affected areas are need of help.  To those of you in those areas, you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I have every intention of making a donation to help relief efforts.  And to all of my readers reading this now, I encourage you to do what you can to help.  History has shown that when we come together in a time of crisis, we make a difference.
Anyways, stay tuned next week when I start my October tradition of horror-themed posts!

-Hanime on Anime


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