Character of the Month of August: Satsuki Kiryuin

Hello, peoples!  August will be coming to a close a little early this month; for Hanime on Anime anyways.  I’ve just started working full time and next week is going to be a very busy week and I will not be getting off on Sunday.  So in light of this, I’ll be doing my Character of the Month post a little early.  I also have an announcement concerning September.  But I’ll get to that bit later.  This month’s pick for Character of the Month may actually be one of my new favorite characters.  Granted, this may have affected my choice, but I still think it’s a worthwhile pick.  But who can I possibly be talking about?  I’m talking about the serious, ambition-driven Satsuki Kiryuin from Kill La Kill.
Although Kill La Kill primarily focuses on Ryuko Matoi, Satsuki plays an important role in the series by acting as the main antagonist and the source of revenge for Ryuko.  Believing that she is the one who killed her father, Ryuko is out for revenge against Satsuki.  Throughout the series, Satsuki is driven by her “ambition” and a grand plan that remains unknown towards the end of the series.  But when it’s revealed that Satsuki’s ambition involves her overthrowing her mother, Ragyo Kiryuin, and thwarting her plan to take over the world with lifefibers, Satsuki’s role in the show changes from villain to anti-hero in an instant.  But whether she’s a villain or an anti hero, she still brings a lot of kick butt action to Kill La Kill-not to mention, she’s got one nice butt! ;)
So…if you’ve seen Kill La Kill before, you may be wondering why I picked Satsuki.  Honestly, I think in anyone else’s mind, they would have thought of Ryuko being more worthy of the title.  Well, whether or not you’re thinking of that, here’s why:  one big reason why I picked Satsuki for the title was her personality.  In my opinion, when you’re in a battle, it’s not the warrior who runs after you waving their sword in the air and screaming like banshee , it’s the one that’s calm, cool, and collected that you should run from.  Why?  Cause these are the ones that are real killing machines.  Some well known anime characters like Sesshomaru from Inuyasha, Byakuya Kuchiki  from Bleach, and D from Vampire Hunter D have this same mind set.   Satsuki is this same personality set: a warrior who has one goal in mind and let’s nothing, not even emotion, get in her way. Granted, Satsuki is a little louder than most.  Also, Satsuki is one of the few female anime characters with this personality, and one of the few memorable ones I’ve seen in a long time.  I think this makes Satsuki stand out a little more, and I also think it’s because of this too that she’s becoming one of my favorite anime characters.   So keep calm and go forward with your ambition, Satsuki Kiryuin, cause you’re Hanime on Anime’s Character of the Month of August!
Now before I go, I have a quick announcement to make.  As many of you are aware, September is coming up, which means so is my birthday!  Last year I did reviews on my favorite animes of all time, and this year, I’m going to keep that tradition, but with a little twist.  Next month I will be focusing on only one of my favorites.  There will be one review-for the sake of adding a Character of the Month-, and then two discussion posts.  For now, I’ll be keeping the show/movie under wraps until the next review, but I will say, expect Hanime on Anime to EXPLODE!...again.  If you haven’t figured it out by now, you will later.  But until then, stay tuned for my next review in two weeks!
-Hanime on Anime


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