Hanime on Anime’s Character of the Month of December: Yuichiro Hyakuya

Season’s greetings, ladies and gentlemen!  December is coming to an end-at least for the blog anyways-and that means it’s time to reveal the Character of the Month of December, which will also be the final Character of the Month of the year.  This month’s character was a little difficult to decide.  I had only two shows and two great characters to go on.  But as difficult as it was, I finally picked one.  So let’s talk a little about this month’s and this year’s final Character of the Month: Yuichiro Hyakuya from Seraph of the End.
Since I just reviewed Seraph of the End last week, I’ll be brief on the synopsis of the show.  After a mysterious virus nearly wipes out humanity, Yuichiro Hyakuya-also simply known as Yu- and his friends live under the control of vampires.  Yu manages to escape, but at the cost of losing his friends to the vampires.  After this tragedy, Yu vows to kill all of the vampires to avenge his friends.  Several years later, Yu joins the Japanese Imperial Demon Army to get closer to that goal.  Unfortunately, he doesn’t get as far as he had hoped.  But it isn’t long until he gains the attention of the Moon Demon Company and soon joins their ranks.  Even so, Yu still has a long way to go before he can kill vampires.
In all honesty, Yuichiro wasn’t my favorite character and probably not my first choice for Character of the Month.  It’s true he has the headstrong, stubborn, and cocky attitude you find in almost any anime protagonist that makes fans go nuts.  But in my opinion, I got annoyed by it.  Nevertheless, compared to Arslan-the other character in the running- I saw a lot of potential early on in Seraph of the End.  Not that I’m saying Arslan is a terrible character by any means, but he was a pretty weak character in The Heroic Legend of Arslan.  Even so, I think there are a lot of good things to come from Arslan, I just haven’t seen them yet.  So really, it all came down to which one did the most in what little I saw out of both series.  And in the end, it was Yuichiro who did the most.  Still, I think Yu has a lot going for him in Seraph of the End.  So keep working to kill all the vampires, Yuichiro Hyakuya, cause you’re Hanime on Anime’s Character of the Month of December and final Character of the Month for 2015!
This will be my last post of the year, which also means Character of the Year will be chosen between now and New Years.  As you may know, this year there will not be any voting on the Character of the Year because it didn’t go well last year.  And as always, the winning character will be revealed New Years Day, January 1, 2016.  Anyways, be sure to stay tuned for that and all new reviews to follow in January!  And so with that said, Happy Holidays from yours truly!  Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

-Hanime on Anime


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