Looking Back: My Response to “20 Problems Only Anime Fans Will Understand” from orzzzz.com

Greetings, fabulous people of the Internet!  You may notice that this week’s post is a little different.  And no, this is not in relation to the upcoming Talkative Thursday video I’m planning (more on that later).  But many of you may actually remember this post: two years ago, I decided to react to an article that talked about some of the many problems that otakus have to deal with.  It’s so far been one of my favorite posts of all time!  And after two years, I decided to take a look back at some of my comments and add, revise, or confirm some of my statements.  So sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s post as I look back on my reaction to orzzzz.com’s “20 Problems Only Anime Fans Will Understand!”

20. The Pain of Not Owning a Giant Robot

My first response:
Ah…the ever popular giant robot.  You know what they say, “Chicks dig giant robots!”-at least that’s what Megas XLR says about them(robots, that is).  Regardless, they definitely are a must in mecha anime.  From Gigantor to Aldnoah Zero, giant robots make anime all the more awesome.  Now does that mean I would want one for myself?  Not really.

2 Years Later:
Looking back on that, I still think that’s true today.  I just don’t think it seems all that practical to have one.  But in the years since making that statement, there have been a few giant robots out there that have quickly become my personal favorites.  These favorites include Guren Lagon from Guren Lagon, Big O from Big O, and Eva Unit 1 from Neon Genesis Evangelion- shouldn’t be too surprised there.  And yes, the Guren Mark II from Code Geass is also still a personal favorite.  And while I still stand by my theory it’s not practical to have a giant robot, if it were and money were no object, I would have to now go with Eva Unit 1 as opposed to the Guren Mark II-despite the freaky dangerous complications and downsides.

19. Waiting for the Next Season of Attack on Titan

Put very bluntly in my first response:
No.  I’m not waiting on the next season of Attack on Titan. 

2 years later:
Obviously, this was during the three year gap after season one ended.  Back then I was pretty harsh on the popular shonen juggernaut for its lagging pace when I reviewed the second time around.  But I will admit, season two has opened my heart a little to this show by making up for that pace by focusing on the series’s side characters and, as always, throwing in some crazy plot twists along the way.  Even so, this has made me want to pick up a copy of the manga more than wait for season three.  But at least we can all be thankful that the next season is said to come out next year (thank the Lord!)

18. Failing to Go Super Saiyan

My first response:
I think this issue should have been worded “Wishing You had the Powers of Your Favorite Anime Character”  because when it comes down to it, that’s what this issue is all about-that’s what I think anyways.  If you’re a fan of Dragon Ball Z, that’s what you’d want to do.  If you’re a fan of Code Geass, you’d want Geass.  If you’re a Fullmetal Alchemist fan, you’d wish you could do alchemy.  The list goes on.
Granted, there’s not a person who’s seen Dragon Ball Z that wouldn’t want to go Super Saiyan.  And there’s not one person that denies doing the Kamehameha either-I’ve done it!  So even though this issue strictly involves Dragon Ball Z, I feel like it can branch out to other anime shows and movies.

2 years later:
While I still kind of think that this is a universal problem for all anime powers, let’s face it, the power of the Super Saiyan and the Kamehameha and are king in the realm of anime powers.  Plus, trying to reenact some of the other anime powers I mentioned could be dangerous, plus look really stupid trying to perform. Like I said, everyone knows the Dragon Ball Z powers more than any other power out there.

17. Choosing Between Sub or Dub

My first response:
I think this issue varies for me.  Personally, I try to watch the English dub whenever it is available.  But that doesn’t mean I won’t watch the original subbed version of a show either… So my view on the sub/dub issue is this: I watch anime shows that were released by at least 2010, anime shows that I have seen on Toonami, and ALL anime films in English, while I watch shows that are very new in Japan, have a unique concept not very fitting for Western culture-like Love Live!-, and have already seen in Japanese in Japanese.

2 years later:
Honestly this statement still holds true now as it did before.  I don’t really have a preference.  However, I have found that I am even more open to subbed anime than before.  Often times its to get a taste for the show.  Or to put it in another way, its to see if the show is worth the watch.  And if it’s worth the watch in Japanese, then I’m even more open to watching it in English.  But I am still open and welcoming of most English dub anime.  So yeah, my opinions here haven’t changed much, but my standards have when watching a dubbed show.  Rather than look at how old or what the concepts of the shows are, I look more at how well revered the show is strictly for its dubbed version.

16. Explaining the Plot of Evangelion

My first response:
I haven’t seen enough Evangelion to really talk about this one.

2 years later:
If you haven’t read my review on this show back in April, then you wouldn’t know that I have a little more to say about this classic show.  Granted, I haven’t finished it yet, but I’ve seen and heard enough about it to get the gist of it.  That being said, this show isn’t as complicated to explain as you’d think.  I could summarize it in a few words: it’s a really f***ed up mecha anime that teaches us that mentally unstable teens shouldn’t pilot giant robots.  And this encompasses the series and (shudder) it’s alternate film ending The End of Evangelion (again, shudder).

15. …And Getting Them Stuck in Your Head

My first response:
Again, not enough Evangelion, so I don’t really have anything to say

2 years later:
Ok, I think I mistook this one as a continuation of the Evangelion point above.  Of course, after reading the article over, I was wrong.  This point makes the point on how watching a show can get you absolutely obsessed with it even after completing it.  That’s completely understandable; I do it all the time.  My periods of obsession over one show can last for weeks to even a year (thank you Akira)!  Granted, I would used to attribute this to being autistic, but I guess this question would state that it’s a lot more common than I used to think.  And to give my previous comment some justice, there have been some bits, theories, and questions about Evangelion that have been stuck in my head.  Seriously, has anyone noticed the link between the Evas and pregnant women?

14. Keeping a Secret Death Note

My first response:
I haven’t really seen Death Note, but I’ve heard enough about it to get the gist of it.  As far as keeping a secret Death Note that gives me the power to wish death upon anyone I chose, I really don’t have any real desire to keep one.

2 years later:
Yeah, like I said with the giant robots issue, it’s not all that practical.  Plus, if there were such a thing, it would have some pretty devastating consequences.  Still, Kanye West and Donald Trump are still on my list for the first names I’d put down.  Then again, I think most Americans would want to put President Trump’s name down in their own Death Note if they could, too.

13. Making Time for Conventions

My first response:
Ah…anime conventions.  So much fun, so many new friends, and lots of cosplayers to stare at!  Good times.  Good times.  If only we had time.  Yeah, I agree with this one.

2 years later:
And I still do.  Granted, I’ve been able to pull off going to two this year- one in Mississippi (which is where I live) and of course my yearly trip to MechaCon.  Even so, both took months of planning.  And don’t get me started on the budgeting for these cons, too (more on that later).

12. Confused Parents

My first response:
Oh yeah, I agree with this one completely.  Granted, my parents aren’t as confused about it now than they were when I started watching anime, but I can’t help but feel I have to explain a little more about it with them than with my anime-watching friends.
Still, one thing that this article brought up with this issue that even though your parents didn’t understand your anime crazy, they love you enough to let you indulge in it anyway.  I couldn’t agree more with this statement because it’s exactly what my parents do.  They know that this is my passion and is a part of who I am, and they embrace that.

2 years later:
I still think this one is pretty true, too.  I’ve explained the concept of anime enough to them to understand it, but I think it still goes a little over their heads.  Lately, though, I’ve been using it more in conversation, so it becomes even more frequent.  Plus, I think this could also go into other parts of Japanese pop culture, too, like lolita or Harajakuma fashion.  But just like my parents, they still love me! J

11. The Guilt of Enjoying Harem Comedies

My first response:
I haven’t seen any harem comedies recently, so I won’t comment on this one.

2 years later: 
I would still keep this comment since I don’t watch a lot of harem comedies.  But you have to admit, a group or guys or girls in any genre of anime is bound to be entertaining.

10. Hiding the Fact that You Watch Hentai

My first response:
Let’s face it.  There’s not an otaku or anime fan that has seen a hentai or two.  I’ll admit, I have some.  It’s mostly pictures and manga, but I do have a few saved on my phone and computer. 

2 years later:
It’s true.  It’s still true. Plus watching it is a hell of a lot of fun.  Need I say more?

9. “Is that A Guy or A Girl?”

My first response:
Anime can be a little confusing for some people.  That’s understandable.  But there’s always that one character that you find in a show that claims to be a man, but you could swear they’re a woman.  Anime definitely blurs the lines when it comes to male characters sometimes.  What’s worse, some male characters are actually voiced by female actors, which makes it all the more confusing.

2 years later:
I tend not to pay all that much attention to this issue as much as I did back then.  But let’s face it, it’s always a reoccurring problem that’s uncomfortable to explain.  Why bother going any further?

8.  Developing a Crush on an Anime Character

My first response:
Yes, there have been several anime characters that I’ve crushed out on since I’ve started watching anime.  In fact, I crush out on anime characters more than American movie actors!

2 years later:
And I still do!  Last time I gave a pretty substantial list of crushes.  But I think the on-going crush I’ve had thus far is Genos from One Punch Man.  Ok, let’s face it, I’ve officially made him my husbando (now if I could just find a body pillow for him). 

Oh, and I couldn’t help but laugh at this starting line below before I started this response two years ago:
Before I make any comment about this issue, I want to say to my boyfriend, I love you so much!
To the me two years ago:  Honey, I wouldn’t even worry.  Sure, you get engaged to this guy, but he starts to neglect your feelings and treat you like sh*t till you dump him.  It leaves you with a broken heart, but you’re better off.  So make all the goo-goo eyes you want at all the anime eye candies you want!  You’ll have earned it.

7. When Things Get Too Weird, Even for You

My first response:
Every anime has it’s weird moments.  That’s just a fact about anime.  And I’ve certainly had my share of those moments where things get a little too weird.  But if there’s one anime moment that was “so disturbingly bizarre that even you (I) couldn’t help but curl up and in the fetal position for fear that your (my) sanity would be compromised,”  there is one special moment.  That moment, hands down, was Tetsuo’s mutation from Akira.

2 years later:
This infamous moment in anime still holds water.  Granted, I’ve watched Akira and that seen at least a hundred times over, so it doesn’t bother me as much.  But it’s still a weird seen.  However, in my adventures with Evangelion, I have stumbled upon scenes from the film that served as an alternative ending to the series when fans raged over its lousy ending.  Without giving anything away, let’s just say I think the creator was off his anti-psychotics when he came up with this.  In fact, the scenes from this movie were so bizarre that the Orzzzz used a gif from one of the strangest moments to highlight this problem.  And I have that pictured below (sorry, not sorry).

Yep, I brought it back.

6.  Convincing People It’s Not Just for Children

My first response:
This article makes a great point about anime being diverse.  But as far as this issue goes, I feel like I’ve found the opposite.  Many of the people I’ve met think it’s maybe a little too adult. 
2 years later:
I still think this is true.  But to be fair, I tend to avoid all those shows that are deemed for kids.  So this may be part of my problem here.

5.  Convincing Your Friends to Watch

My first response:
I don’t really try to convince any of my non-anime watching friends to watch anime.  It’s true, anime isn’t for anyone…This is kind of like the issue with confused parents.  However, unlike your parents, your friends might not be as understanding.  It’s just something you have to put up with.
2 years later:
Again, I still kind of agree with this one.  I don’t try to convince any of my friends to watch anime.  It’s still is a lot like my parents understanding anime.  They don’t have to understand it to be your friend.

4. Choosing Your Favorite Anime

My first response:
I think this one rings pretty true.  I certainly have a few favorites.  I have three favorite shows (Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing Ultimate) and two favorite movies (Howl’s Moving Castle, Akira).  But ask what my absolute favorite is, my answer would probably be, “uh…” … Honestly, you shouldn’t have to choose.  Have all the favorites you want!
2 years later:
I totally agree!  But some of my new favorites have expanded to include Black Butler as well.

3. Lack of Funds

My first response:
…if you’re an anime fan or an otaku, money is especially a need.  Let’s face it, being an otaku is an expensive hobby. 
2 years later:
Remember what I said earlier about budgeting for cons?  Yeah, well this point pretty much highlights that problem.  Being a grad student with a part time job doesn’t pay much.  Put another way, I’m still financially dependent on my parents.  So yeah, money is a big problem.  And like I said two years ago, being an otaku is an expensive hobby, in pretty much every way.

2. Defending Your Passion

My first response:
This article is absolutely right!  There is a stigma about the otaku community.  You’re seen as a single, lonely nerd living in your mom’s basement and often seeking comfort through your collection of Hatsune Miku figurines and endless anime.  This is far from it.  I actually have a great job, a Bachelor’s degree, and a boyfriend who shares my passion.  I still live with my parents, but I’m hoping to change that soon.  I’ll scream it from the top of my lungs, “I LOVE ANIME!”  And for people who don’t understand it shouldn’t make assumptions about those who do.  I don’t think I should have to explain this or make my argument any further.
2 years later:
This is still so true!  And to make a few corrections, I’m working on my Masters and have my own house-though still financially dependent on my parents, but I’m grateful for their help.  And sure, I may be lonely, but that’s just because I’m getting over a broken engagement.  And believe it or not, I’ve helped people understand what anime is, and may or may not have gotten my current job because of it-that’s still debatable.  But my opinion here is still the same: I will defend my passion with pride and will not allow anyone to create a stereotype out of me!

1.     Wishing Your Life was as Strange and Exciting

My first response:
…anime creates colorful and exciting worlds, but that doesn’t mean I would want to live in those worlds.  And I say this for two reasons.  One, there are some many different anime worlds that I can’t really decide which one I’d like more.  Two, I’d rather have one where they all coexist… So it would be like Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, but with anime characters.

2 years later:
I still feel the same about this one.  Then again, if there was an anime world that I would like to see become a reality, it’s Pokémon (*sigh* I know).   But still, I think the anime, Who Framed Roger Rabbit-esque world would be the kind of world I would want to live in.  The celebrities would definitely be ten times cooler!

And so that end’s this week’s longest post.  In fact, I think this is the longest post I’ve ever done.  From lousy exs to Evangelion and all the anime worlds, that’s my thoughts looking back on one of my favorite posts of all time.  Now, about that Talkative Thursdays video.  It’s a bit of a stretch to call it a Talkative Thursdays video, but it will be based on my latest YouTube sensation.  I will have all the details in next Sunday’s post.  Till then, stay tuned for more!
-Hanime on Anime

P.S.: And to check out the original post or the original article, click on the links below:


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