Character of the Month of Novembflix: Meliodas
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome back to the final portion of Novembflix, and the end of the month of November. My first attempt at this new event was interesting in the sense that the shows were, well, interesting-and maybe not in the best of ways. Still, of all the shows I reviewed, there was one character from this event that I absolutely adored; so this month’s pick was pretty easy. So, let’s not stall anymore and talk about this month’s character of the month: Meliodas from The Seven Deadly Sins. In the fantasy world of Britannia, Meliodas serves as the leader of a group of elite Holy Knights turned outlaws called the Seven Deadly Sins. Ten years after the group is accused of treason and disbanded, Princess Elizabeth of the Liones family finds Meliodas as the owner of a traveling bar. Elizabeth convinces him to find the other members of the Sins and stop the Order of the Holy Knights from starting an all out war. Good Lord, Meliod...