Hanime on Autism: What can you do?

Hello, everybody! Welcome to the final installment in my Hanime on Autism event. This post will not only be the last post for the event, but it will also be what ends the event-not to mention the month. This one will actually be short, mostly discussing what you can do to support autism awareness. But before I get to that, you may or may not have noticed, but there obviously wasn’t a post on Sunday. I actually was not planning on doing a review that day, but I had a big announcement about the newest event coming up next month. But I forgot to post that…oops! My excuse is definitely schoolwork; though the semester is coming to an end, I have all these projects and assignments and at least one exam to finish. It’s a little hectic, so bare with me. I will make that announcement later, but for now, let’s get back to my last Hanime on Autism post. There are lots of ways to get involved in autism awareness. You don’t necessari...